Tuesday, 30 October 2012

The Calm Before The Storm

I know I've titled this the calm before the storm when really it was just 'the storm'. We moved to Aunt Josephine's house. Aunt Josephine was overly cautious and obsessed with grammar but she was nice enough. Her caution came after her husband died by being eaten alive by leaches in the ocean below and outside her home. One particular day we took her out and into the town to something for dinner. Out while shopping we all run into Count Olaf but of course he is in a disguise and of course Aunt Josephine invites him over for dinner, leaving us to shop and cook dinner. On our walk home the wind increases and later when we arrive home to an empty house a storm is on the way. Searching through the house looking for Aunt Josephine leads us to the window where she showed us various destination she explored with her late husband. It is smashed open and a suicide note is left near the window. I was so confused even more when Klaus started picking out her grammatical mistakes. Luckily he did, he crack a code informing us she was hidden in curdled cave. Before we had the chance to run to find her the storm gets stronger and starts ripping windows from the house and breaking down walls. We both duck and I cover Sunny under by body to save her from any danger. We had our eyes so shut that when they opened them we were shocked to find the house had been blow apart and we were trapped in a separate room supported by a few rails. The wind had died down and we still had to find a solution to getting across to shore. Few things were left on the remains of the room and we had to use what was left to bring us to safety, with my ribbon I tied up my hair and came up with a solution. We push the anchor from the kitchen hutch off the destroyed room and towards the beam that supported us, the aim was perfect and snapped it in two causing it to rock back and forth when it came closer to the shore we all jumped on three and landed safely on the other side, seconds before the remains of the house crashed down. After this I knew Klaus could trust me and that no matter how crazy my ideas were he would back me up and support me. And from then on I knew he would always be there for me.
                                                                                                                Violet Baudelaire

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